OUR online workouts…
HERE’s the WHY…
30-minutes or less…
…and the best thing is you can do it ANY TIME!
Time is precious… I know when you only have 30 minutes, you gotta make it count.
I program workouts to target ALL of the parts we need to focus on as we age so you get everything you need in just one class… efficiency, baby!
We also offer VARIETY in our workouts because we believe it’s important to challenge and strengthen your body in many ways… Ways that are integral parts of healthy aging.
And BTW, healthy aging can start at ANY AGE!
Here’s what you’ll experience in our online classes…
… Compound movements help the upper and lower body work together… BONUS for the old brain matter as we coordinate putting movements together too… and the heart and lungs always love a chance to show up and be a part of the party…
… Strength training by lifting some weights …start light and increase the weight bit by bit as you get stronger… you’ll be amazed how quickly that can happen …
… Flexibility, baby. We ALWAYS end with a bit of a stretch for those regular tight parts… Don’t ever skip the damn stretching at the end…
…and my specialty …WORKIN’ your CORE …we always work the abdominals and back in every class because it’s the foundation of healthy movement.
We believe Pilates is the foundation of all healthy movement… the exercises focus on building core strength and spinal alignment… Healthy posture and a strong core are essential as we age… movement is easier, more fluid, with fewer or reduced aches and pains…
… You wouldn’t build a house on a sand foundation, would you?!
Pilates helps keep the hips and shoulders strong and flexible too… they are intricately connected to the core and spine as well…
As Joseph Pilates said, “You’re only as young as your spine is old”
Your monthly membership gives you FIVE NEW VIRTUAL classes a week, all 30-MINUTES OR LESS… they drop at midnight on the day they are scheduled!
MONDAY – PILATES MAT EXPRESS – 30-minute TOTAL BODY Essential and Intermediate exercises are combined in various orders and repetitions to target the entire body…No two classes are alike!
TUESDAY – 30-MINUTE TOTAL BODY FITNESS WITH WEIGHTS – Over 40’ish?! You gotta lift some weight, baby! I combine strength work for the lower and upper body, and sometimes add a few cardio drills for a complete workout. Plus modifications for all levels!
THURSDAY – 20-MINUTE WORKOUT – Butt day? Arms & Abs day? A different target week-to-week…some weight training, some cardio training, some core training, but ALWAYS some efficiency that will leaved you feeling pumped!
FRIDAY – PILATES MAT WITH EQUIPMENT – A 30-minute Pilates Mat workout using small equipment …optional of course! We use light weights, or flex bands or maybe a mini-ball to keep things fresh and challenge yourself in this class!
SATURDAY (BI-WEEKLY) – 30-MINUTE BARRE CLASS – Did someone say booty? Stephanie will take you through the ever-popular BARRE class to target the lower body… Along with the Barre (or chair, or counter!) we will also use toning balls/light weights, the mini-ball or Flex Bands to hit some of those upper body muscles too. You might even get your heart rate up with this one!
Each workout is kept in the library for up to a year! There are always DOZENS of workouts to choose from… plus you can MARK YOUR FAVOURITES AND ALWAYS COME BACK TO THEM!
We offer FIVE-DAY FREE TRIAL just to check things out… www.imotionfitness.ca/video-portal …
AND after that, your monthly subscription is ONLY $45.99 + hst!
That’s literally under $3.00 a workout…
Simply create an account, enter payment information, and log in any time you want and browse the dozens of choices in our library to find the type of workout you feel like doing that day!
Cancel anytime.
You don’t need much to work out with us BUT if you want to invest in some small equipment, we use a variety of extras such as different sets of weights (from very light to heavier ones), Flex Bands, a mini-stability ball…and just a bit of of space to move.
Reach out if you’d like us to hook you up! We can order from Merrithew Fitness with a discount. Check out their small equipment and accessories below and if you find something you like, reach out to Stephanie to place an order.
AND Stephanie is pleased to offer a complete VIRTUAL “INTRODUCTION TO PILATES MAT” PROGRAM which is yours to own!
Visit the ONLINE PROGRAMS & Special Events LINK
Can you find under 30-minutes a couple of time a week just to improve your overall health? And did I mention we’ll have fun doing it!
This is a special group, so if you want to know more, contact Stephanie at fitness@eastlink.ca.